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Precision 20 ton 3 platen, flatbed, air to oil steel rule die press
Made to order
Three platen, four post, precision guided die set with pre-set cut depth (4 removable limit stops 0.937 height each). When removed, operating stroke distance is between 0 - 3.5 inches.
The distance is pre set by the adjusting screw, that connects the cylinder's RAM to the plate below.
Plexiglass safeguard.
Steel rule die press specifications
Foot print: 17" x 32"
Height: 55"
Weight: 1,300 lbs
Cylinder: 20 ton air to oil Multicyl cylinder
Operator control: Two push buttons
Connection type to air: “M” style quick connect. It can be easily changed to different size or style.
Press style: Benchtop mount ​
Stroke: 3.5” overall stroke, 1/2” power stroke The 1/2" power stroke (full power) is available at any distance within the overall 3.5 inch stroke, as soon as resistance builds up. This is standard for air over oil cylinders.
Power source: Compressed air, 120 psi (max) adjust able by the supplied FRL.
Call: 1-604-239-7218 |
Made in Canada

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